10 Mind-Boggling JavaScript Code Snippets That Will Confuse Even Experts!

10 Mind-Boggling JavaScript Code Snippets That Will Confuse Even Experts!

Unraveling JavaScript's Quirks: 10 Puzzling Code Snippets That Will Test Your Knowledge!


4 min read

JavaScript is full of surprises! From tricky type coercions to unexpected object behaviors, even experienced developers can get caught off guard. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 mind-boggling JavaScript code snippets that will challenge your understanding and sharpen your problem-solving skills. Whether you're preparing for an interview or just love exploring JavaScript quirks, these examples will keep you on your toes.

Let’s dive in and decode the confusion! 🚀

1. Truthy Math Operations


console.log(true + true * 7); // Output: 8


Implicit type-coercion converts true to 1 when it encounters an arithmetic operator.

true + true * 7 => 1 + 1 * 7 => 8

2. Array Sorting Gotcha


console.log([1, 5, 15].sort()); // Output: [1, 15, 5]


In the sort method, numbers in the array are treated as strings and sorted lexicographically.
Lexicographically, "1" comes first, "15" comes next, and "5" comes last.

If we want to sort numerically instead of lexicographically, we should use:

console.log([1, 5, 15].sort((a, b) => a - b)); // Output: [1, 5, 15]

3. Unexpected typeof Results


console.log(typeof NaN);  // Output: "number"
console.log(typeof null); // Output: "object"


  • The type of NaN is "number", even though NaN stands for "Not a Number."

  • In JavaScript, null is considered an object, even though it represents nothing.

4. The !! Trick


console.log(!!"false"); // Output: true
console.log(!!"");      // Output: false
console.log(!!0);       // Output: false
console.log(!!1);       // Output: true


The !! operator converts the following expression to a boolean:

  • "false"true (Non-empty strings are true.)

  • ""false (Empty strings are false.)

  • 0false

  • 1true

5. Weird Coercion


console.log([] == ![]); // Output: true


  • ![] converts the array to false.

  • When comparing an empty array ([]) with a boolean, JavaScript coerces both to numbers.

  • This results in:

      0 == 0 // true

6. Object Key Confusion


const obj = {
  1: "one",
  0: "zero",
  true: "truth",
  false: "false"

console.log(obj[1]);      // Output: "one"
console.log(obj[true]);   // Output: "truth"


Object keys are automatically converted to strings.
When querying obj[true], it looks for the key "true", not the true Boolean value.

7. Function Hoisting Surprise


foo();  // Output: "FOO"
bar();  // Output: TypeError: bar is not a function

function foo() {

const bar = () => {


During the memory creation phase, JavaScript initializes function declarations (foo) with their full function definitions, whereas variables (bar) are initialized with undefined.

Since bar is a variable holding an arrow function, calling bar() before its declaration results in a TypeError.

8. Adding Objects?


console.log({} + []);  // Output: "[object Object]"
console.log([] + {});  // Output: "[object Object]"


  • [] (an empty array) is converted to an empty string ("").

  • When adding an object to an empty string, the object gets coerced to "[object Object]".

9. Deleting a Property vs. Variable


var a = 10;
delete a;
console.log(a);  // Output: 10

const obj = { b: 20 };
delete obj.b;
console.log(obj.b);  // Output: undefined


  • The delete operator works only with object properties, not variables.

  • delete a; does nothing, whereas delete obj.b; removes the property from the object.

10. Object Comparison Trap


const a = {};
const b = {};

console.log(a === b);  // Output: false
console.log(a == b);   // Output: false


In JavaScript, objects are compared by reference, not by value.
Even though a and b are identical empty objects, they refer to two different memory locations, so the comparison returns false.

If we want to compare objects by value, we can use:

JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b);

Wrapping Up 🎯

JavaScript is a language full of surprises, and these tricky code snippets are just the tip of the iceberg. Understanding these quirks not only helps you avoid common pitfalls but also sharpens your debugging skills—a must for every JavaScript developer!

Did any of these examples surprise you? 🤔 Or do you have your own favorite confusing JS snippet? Drop a comment below and let’s discuss! 💬

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